Fix your fatigue and double your energy!
Ideally we should all be eating a paleo-ketogenic diet. This is the style of eating that our ancestors ate as hunters and gatherers and much more recently our grandparents and great grandparent were probably eating a very similar diet.
This was before World War II when processed food was invented and has become the foundation of our modern diet and the root cause of most chronic disease.
If you want more energy you need to feed your body the right fuel. In your cells there are tiny organelles called mitochondria that produce your energy and they prefer to burn fat and not carbohydrates.
This e-recipe book explains the basics of energy production, what can go wrong with it, the foods you should be eating and those to avoid along with lots of simple but delicious recipes to help you fix your fatigue and double your energy.
Discover the right food to fix your fatigue
In this recipe book Moira shares her passion for nutrient dense low carbohydrate and keto foods as the optimum fuel for your brain and body to help fix fatigue and double your energy.
In this book Moira explains...
How You Make Your Energy
What Can Go Wrong With Energy Production
How Low Carb/Keto Can Help
Foods To Eat & Foods To Avoid
What's included...
Over 30 low carb/keto recipes
Ideas for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Desserts & Treats
Crackers, bread rolls and garlic bread