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Heart Disease & Diabetes
Rebooting Metabolic Health

Understanding insulin resistance

As well as supporting people to improve their mental health with diet I also work with people to improve other metabolic health conditions. If you haven’t heard of insulin resistance then you need to know more about it and how reversing it can help to put conditions like pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure into remission, yes that means reverse them!

Whether you are simply trying to prevent one of these chronic diseases or reverse it then nutrition is crucial. In fact, of the two main lifestyle factors that cause these conditions poor nutrition is the biggest followed by stress.

Blood glucose & insulin spikes

I will help you to understand how a diet high in refined carbohydrates including bread, pasta, rice, cereal, cake, crackers, pastries, sweets and ultra-processed food leads to insulin resistance and inflammation. Insulin resistance occurs when blood glucose levels continue to be repeatedly spiked from eating these carbohydrate rich foods. Whenever glucose rises the pancreas produces insulin to help reduce blood glucose and over time more and more insulin is needed. When insulin levels remain high this state is known as insulin resistance. It is when the cells are resistant to the message of insulin and need much more of it before they will respond.

Simple Steps To Take Back Control

Insulin resistance usually (but not always) comes along with other problems like increased body weight and fat mass. It is an inflammatory state which can also contribute to other symptoms like joint pain.

There are simple steps you can take to take back control of the insulin and glucose situation and reversing many of the side effects along with losing excess weight resulting in a better chance of living longer with a better quality of life! The most effective approaches include a low carbohydrate, ketogenic or carnivore diet depending on what suits your lifestyle and how quickly you want to see results.

Many clients not only feel better but are also able to reduce their medication (with medical supervision) including drugs like insulin and those for blood pressure control, in many cases coming off them altogether.

The 30 Day Health Reboot Programme

My basic package to help you optimise your energy and vitality.


Package includes:


  • interpretation of comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle pre-consultation form

  • 2 private consultations on zoom over a 30 day period

  • Discount on supplements ordered through the Natural Dispensary


Contact me to discuss availability and  book your FREE call to see if this is the right fit for you

Price: £395

Healthy Food - Salmon and Vegetables
Keto Protein Food

3 Month Energy Foundation Reboot Programme

Work with me on a personalised three month programme of support to help you get the foundations in place to help you reboot your energy, sleep better, clear away brain fog, improve your mood and reduce pain.


Package includes:

  • interpretation of comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle pre-consultation form

  • 4 private consultations on zoom over three months

  • interpretation of any tests (tests purchased separately)

  • Discount on supplements ordered through the Natural Dispensary


Contact to discuss availability and book your FREE call to see if this is the right fit for you

Price: £750

6 Month Maximal Energy Reboot Programme

Working over a longer period with a personalised programme of support to help you get the foundations in place to help you reboot your energy, sleep better, clear away brain fog, improve your mood and reduce pain.


Package includes:

  • interpretation of comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle pre-consultation questionnaire

  • 8 private consultations over a 6 month period

  • interpretation of any tests (tests purchased separately)

  • Discount of supplements ordered through the Natural Dispensary


Contact me to discuss availability and book your FREE call to see if this is the right fit for you.

Price: £1295

Ket Plate -  Vegetables, Nuts & Fruit
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